Hello everyone,
Let us go to the topic, today I am gonna tell you how to hack or crack the Wps enabled WiFi. Basically, all the routers come with WPS encryption. This will help us to connect the network easily and fastly. Many of the users say that it is not possible to hack WiFi. But I will not agree with this because there is nothing impossible, we can do it. If you put your hard work into that, I am sure that you will definitely succeed. We have so many developers around the world to do things easier for us. When it comes to WiFi hacking you don't need to encode and decode something very fishy.
I'm gonna tell you an easy way to hack WiFi.
I'm gonna tell you an easy way to hack WiFi.
To hack the Wps enabled you to have to follow these steps.
We can hack WiFi through mobile or PC. I recommend mobile to use because it is easy. The first thing you do is make sure your mobile is rooted. Don't know what is rooting click this. Download the WpsWpa Tester app from the play store. Install the app. Now the hacking process starts. It will not hack all the WiFi passwords. It will only hack WPS enabled WiFi passwords. Open the app, now you will see a list of WiFi networks nearby you. If it is Wps enabled then the lock symbol will be in green colour. Open the WiFi network that you want to hack. There will be an option called "connect automatic pin", click on it. It will show you random pins to connect to the network. Select it and it will try to connect to the WiFi network. Once it is connected it will show the password. That's all. This process 100% works on these Wps WiFi networks.
If you have any problems while connecting, please make sure you are near the network and try all the pins.
Steps to Download:-
1. open the above link.
2. A new window will appear, Wait for 5 seconds until the advertisement loads.
3. Click on "Skip the Ad".
4. You will be redirected to download.
This is for only educational purpose. Don't do illegal activities with these tricks.
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