Most of the guys wanted to update their smart phone to lollipop but Moto E got the update. Google has released the official update for Moto E but only to few devices. But you can update your Moto E before you get update from Google. Just follow the below steps: 1. First you must download the update file from the following link. click here to download 2. Please place the file in internal storage, Please don't put this file in any folder leave it alone. 3. After that rename the file name to version 22.21.32. 4. Now reboot your device. 5. When it switches on your moto e shows update is available in the notification panel. 5. Click the update and then click "yes im in install". 6. Now your mobile reboots and then shows a logo of Android i.e. "installing the system update". It will take around 10 minutes. You have to wait patiently. 7. After its done again your phone reboots. Now you can observe that your moto logo has been changed. 8.Now ...
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